Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sorry I haven't updated in SO long...

Hi everyone,

I apologize for not posting lately, unfortunately, I just haven't been well enough or up to doing it, but I'm biting the bullet now, since I could really use all your prayers and you deserve to be updated for following me this long.

Let's see....to get you all updated since my last post in September: The colonoscopy I had done the 25th of Sept. came back normal. This is actually a good thing, although it doesn't help in stopping any of my symptoms, its piece of mind that it isn't cancer, which runs in my immediate family. My team of doctors are at a standstill, at this point and just treating symptoms, wanting me to go to U of M, which I will be doing after the first of the year. Currently, with my health insurance maxed for this year, I have no choice but to wait until January. The lawyer is still working on my appeal for social security disability, no hearing date yet, but received a new packet with more forms to fill out a couple of days ago....so, it seems we're starting to get somewhere.

I still have chronic 24/7 abdominal pain, and the pain increases throughout periods of the day regardless of if I eat or not anymore,  nausea, vomiting, lymphedema,  depression, severe anxiety and panic attacks, vitamin deficiencies and malabsorption. I continue to keep getting kidney stones and UTI infections, I'm having vision issues such as blurriness and double vision, numbness in my hands and feet, I have not had my period since May because of the weight-loss, and I am constantly cold. I am covered in bruises, scrapes, and cuts from falling, my legs will just give out at times and can't hold my weight up, even though I'm still losing weight and am now down to 110 lbs. I look anorexic, I'll post some pictures, so you can see just how bad it really is. AND, although its been thinning, my hair is now coming out in clumps. I have bald areas and am looking into wigs and extensions. I'm embarrassed to even leave my house.

Picture differences:

May 2010---about 150 lbs., size 8:

March 2012--about 125 lbs., size 4:

November 2012--about 110 lbs., size 0-1:

Hopefully U of M will reach some conclusions, but for now I am starting to get scared.  The more weight I lose, the closer I feel this is killing me. I'll update again, when I know more, probably after the holidays, so Merry Christmas and Happy New Years too....may 2013 be a better year for all.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

favorite color anyone? Blue, purple, green, yellow?

Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while, but my concentration is really lacking and its been truly difficult to get anything done.  What would normally take me about a 1/2 hour to write is now taking 3 to 4 hours, since I either get sleepy and doze off at my desk or I just stare at the screen and can't think.  As difficult a decision it was for me I finally ended up having to take a leave of absence from school too. Especially since I have only taken one real break the entire time from starting on my associates at age 39 (after getting divorced and deciding to start my life over....this was even before I had ever thought of having bariatric surgery) and I'm half-way through to achieving my masters (MBA). I have never been able to use the degrees, but always thought, even after getting sick, that once I got past all this, the more education the better to make up for lack of experience, but at this point finishing may be a moot point and just for me, if I ever get to go back.

There actually isn't a lot to tell. Once I was finally able to get the last set of Doppler ultrasounds done that my doctor wanted of my legs, she declared I am officially diagnosed with Lymphedema and even though I have not been driving since around February because of the narcotic pain meds, its now official with the Lymphedema that I can no longer drive a car.  I guess there is too much risk of putting others in danger, such as if I got a cramp in my foot while driving.

Since my last emergency adventure, that left me in the hospital from July 27 through August 1 because my potassium level was too low, the doctors have been switching up medications and dosage amounts, but it is wreaking some havoc. The experience as a whole last time truly scared me, so it seems I'm having a lot of panic attacks, especially when the pain begins to get severe.

My doctor has had me on Celexa now for almost a month, but I don't notice any difference.  On Monday, the 27th of August I had a really bad episode of pain again (although strange, I had not even eaten anything) and ended up having to go to the emergency room.  But, of course, after being there for 3 hours and finally getting to see a doctor, the pain medication I had taken before going to the hospital finally kicked in and it subsided, so they just drew some blood and sent me home. My internal medicine doctor added Xanax for me to take during those really bad times, to see if it can keep me calmed down and avoid the ER route until they figure this all out. She called it my short-term security blanket and if the Celexa doesn't start doing something she will increase the dose.  I am also scheduled for a wonderful colonoscopy on the 25th of Sept. with my gastroenterologist. Double checking all bases, which is good, but not looking forward to drinking the stuff they make you drink the day before....eeewwwww.

My pain medicine doctor decided to stop the Neurontin and switch me over to Lyrica, which was fine for the pain, but I was sleepwalking and scaring the hell out of my husband. With the decision made, that was way too dangerous, they took me back off the Lyrica and went for a little while with nothing...but considering I am already down to 120lbs., the nausea and vomiting flaring back up into full gear was not a good thing and they knew they had to do something, or I would end up on a feeding tube. So now, we are trying to do just a smaller dose of the Neurontin.  I was up to 3x a day before, but now my body cant even seem to handle once a day.  I'm still falling, getting bruises and scrapes I don't remember,  knocking into things or knocking stuff over, plus I have fallen out of bed 4 times in just the past 2 weeks. Yesterday's fall was so bad, I didn't get up right away thinking I might have broken my arm. Its not broken, but it is sore, sore, sore and the bruises are coming, along with bruises on my knee, my hip, my upper thigh, my shoulder blade....yeah, ya could say I did a pretty good job.  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Did you know???

Hi everyone,  actually writing from a hospital bed this morning, but wanted to update you all and inform you of something I learned too. I've been here since Saturday night and fortunately, get to go home some time this morning.

For any of you that have vitamin deficiencies, are on lasix (diuretics), or have had bariatric surgery and that have any of these symptoms, see a doctor and get it checked out.  Trust me, you do NOT want to go through what happened to me and I know from now on, I will be much more careful to be listening to my own body.

Friday morning started like any other typical day, when the family is getting ready to leave to go camping for the weekend....packing, etc.  For myself and my family, we take the pets with us, which means the dog and two cats as well (its not a crazy as it sounds, they actually like going, hanging out on the dash of the RV and getting a different view than what they get from home, since they are indoor kitties).  Anyway's, while my husband and kids went into the grocery store on our way, I opted to stay in the RV with the pets and wait, especially since with my edema being so bad, I can't walk very far.  My husband even made sure we had access to a golf cart for the weekend, since our lot, where we were camping with friends was so far from everything else, he knew I would need it.  While they were shopping, my stomach started cramping up, like always, even though I did think it was a bit odd, since I had not eaten yet, but I took my medicine and laid down.  Unfortunately, it didn't stop there and my hands started to cramp up, I couldn't move my fingers, then my feet started to go numb and I panicked.  Thank God for cell phones.  I finally managed to dial my daughter after several attempts and they all came running.  My husband thought it was my blood sugar that was low, so he made me chew to glucose tablets, I drank 1/2  a bottle of Gatorade with my daughter holding the straw and then ate half a banana and after a while started to feel better.  My husband was already on his way driving me to the hospital by this point, but since I thought I was okay, we turned around and proceeded on and went camping instead. We had a great time Friday night, and all day Saturday, even though all I did was sit around and talk to friends, it was nice getting out of the house.

After dinner on Saturday was when the nightmare started.  As per usual, my stomach started to hurt, so I said good night and went to the RV, while everyone else did marshmallows and such.  I took my pain medicine and my other nighttime meds, figuring I was going to go to sleep. But, the pain got so bad, it wasn't letting up and the same cramping feeling was starting in my hands again. I finally called my husband and told him I wasn't feeling good, so he would come inside.  By the time my husband and daughter's got to me, I literally could not stand up, my legs felt like they were paralyzed and my hands too. My stomach hurt so bad I was begging for anything to make it stop. I can honestly say, I'm glad I don't remember too much.  My husband carried me out to a friends car, met the ambulance and followed to the hospital, and then I had to get transferred to another, larger hospital from there.  My potassium was so low it was causing hypokalemia, which is basically a paralysis/cramping of the muscles from the potassium in my blood being too low. The normal symptoms include the arms and legs cramping, but for me, it included my stomach too, which took what I normally go through and jacked up the pain ratio triple fold of what I usually go through, which is bad enough.  My daughter told me, I was begging to be knocked out. I had to be put on the cardiac floor and on a heart monitor because it can cause severe heart and kidney problems. They had to give me low doses through an IV for the last 3 days to build it back up to a low normal range, and now I'll take pills to build it up more once I go home. If I had continued to ignore it, I might not be here to write this, so please listen to your own bodies.  If your getting strange cramps, numbness, or something isn't right, at least call and check it out or it could be too late.  I got lucky and would hate any of you to have to go through what I did.

Well, pain specialist this afternoon, then more appointments over the next few weeks with more tests...oh joy..will keep you updated.  Oh and SSD denied my claim because of my age and education, as if that makes a difference or not on whether I can walk, drive or be comfortable. I see a lawyer this evening as well.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Here's the new scoop! Some good, some Not.

Well, just got back from seeing my internal medicine doctor.  Since nothing with the edema has changed, except it getting worse...she is scheduling me for cardiac testing to rule out something being wrong with my heart and doing another venous ultrasound, to look for blood clots in my legs again.  She took a bunch a blood to work up again today and I go back to see her on the 30th of August.  Until then, she is letting the pain specialist figure out the meds, since she doesn't think they are causing the edema anymore. Oh, and the funny one, not sure I have enough pillows in my entire house to do this, but I am to lay down for 15 minutes, 3 times a day with my feet raised to a 45 degree angle above my heart, so the blood will drain down and stop some of the swelling, hopefully.

I see the pain specialist on Monday.  She said to suggest to him that he replace the Neurontin with Lyrica. AND she wants him to increase my Cymbalta to 90mg until I can get in to see the psychiatrist for my depression and anxiety disorders.  That's it for now.  Will let you know how next week goes.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

No News IS Good News, RIGHT?

The last few weeks have been interesting to say the least...I had no idea that medications could be responsible for so many dizzy spells, falls with the scrapes and bruises to go with it, and just plain old clumsiness.  I am dropping everything.  I've wrecked or broken so much stuff it isn't funny, including 2 keyboards for my computer from spilling coffee (fortunately, we had extra keyboards in the basement or I wouldn't be writing this).

No real news on much going on. The pain doctor changed my meds 2 days ago, so hopefully the falls will stop, and I see him again on the 30th, but I can already tell with only 2 days, since he is weaning me off one of the medications, the abdominal pain is increasing again..  I am seeing my internal medicine doctor on the 26th, since the edema is getting worse.  At points it is swelling up over my knees and making walking extremely painful or impossible. Besides I have this weird double vision thing going with my left eye.

After lots of phone calls, I finally heard from social security only to be told I had a doctor's appointment (I ended up talking to the examiner's supervisor, since she never mailed me the info. and I would have missed it). Anyways, I had to go to a special office for them, new doctor...turned out to be a psychiatrist and they wanted a mental health exam.  I wasn't truly surprised by the diagnosis, but it is more real when someone actually says it...so I am now officially diagnosed with chronic depression and a generalized anxiety disorder. Not sure what happens next with that, since they don't prescribe meds or set up doctor appts. they just needed the information to determine my eligibility for SSD..my doctor will have to decide what will happen next. So at this point, hopefully with these 2 diagnosis, plus the diagnosis for the abdominal nerve and muscle damage that is the cause of the constant pain, and since I am still losing weight---down to 125 now, which looks pretty anorexic if you ask me, they'll approve me.  They won't even look at any of the other stuff, since the doctor's don't know why or what's causing it, hence no diagnosis as usual. Gotta wait and see.

Will check in again when I know more.  Hope your all enjoying your summer.
Its been HOT,  HOT,  HOT, here in Michigan.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

No Celebrating for Me this 4th of July!

Yes, I know, its been a while since I've checked in...but in all fairness, its very frustrating when there isn't much to report and I don't have very much to tell you.

Here's a basic overview for those of you that are new to my blog and don't want to read all the posts, or just a refresher for those of you returning. There are so many people that have similar, if not exact symptoms as myself and if I can assist in helping one person find a treatment that works, maybe it will help others too.  I've been writing this in hopes that something I've been through, a test, medication or anything may allow you to talk to your doctor about it and see if it can help you or someone you know that is going through this.

First off, I had bariatric surgery in 2008.  Although I think this surgery contributed to my problems, I'm not certain it is the cause, since the true symptoms didn't start until later after my gall bladder was removed. In spring of 2009, I had started getting sick after ever meal and when I say sick, I mean nausea, vomiting, and extreme abdominal pain.  After avoiding eating and pushing it off as long as I could, since I was in fear of losing my job and health insurance if I needed to go on medical leave, I finally ended up in the emergency room in such severe pain, they determined my gall bladder needed to be removed. The same doctor that performed my bariatric surgery removed my gall bladder and was convinced this would take care of it...but it didn't, it was much worse and till this day I still can't describe how bad it feels except to say it would rate a 12 on the 1-10 scale, and as of today the doctors have still not found a medicine to stop these episodes that leave me curled up in a ball, in tears until it finally subsides, which may be within an hour or may last as long as 3-4 hours. Up until this point, both surgeries were laproscopic, leaving me with minimal scaring. In October 2009, since all the tests were coming back negative, this same doctor decided to perform a open exploratory surgery (leaving me with a scar from just above my pelvic bone, all the way up above my belly button--no more options of a  bikini for me). He stated he removed lots of adhesions (scar tissue) and that this should correct the problem.  Unfortunately, during all this and being on medical leave for so long, I lost my job, along with my health insurance and because of our countries economic problems, my husband had already lost his job previously, leaving us with no income, except unemployment compensation and no health insurance. Plus my employer fought paying unemployment, which meant I had to appeal and did not receive any income until almost 3 months later. I even swallowed my pride and tried to get state assistance, only to be told that with our unemployment compensation we were making too much money...even though we were ready to lose our home and months behind on all of our bills and the only thing keeping us afloat was my 80+ year old father-in-laws generosity, which he couldn't afford either.  The same painful episodes returned, along with a constant pain that was now 24 hours a day, which Tylenol couldn't even take the edge off of and I had no where to turn, since I had no health insurance, leaving me to just live through it, as it continued to slowly keep getting worse.

For 1 1/2 years I researched on the internet.  I tried heating pads, ice packs, cutting out dairy, then gluton, wheat, then sugar...all to no avail. I tried multiple vitamin options and home remedies I found online, but none of these options helped either.  By May of 2011, the pain was just unbearable and I finally called my original surgeon again and begged for help, since I still had no insurance. His office manager referred me to a different hospital's resident clinic, that he also worked out of and they approved me for assistance. For three months, I was passed from one resident to another who each put me through lots of tests, but were not authorized to prescribe pain medications, and all the tests continued to come back negative. The clinic was so disorganized, no one knew what the other was doing and my original surgeon, who was supposed to be supervising what these residents were doing had no idea of what was happening with my care. In order to keep a very long story shorter I'll skip some of this, but needless to say, he told me it was all in my head, I left his office, and he actually sent me a registered letter informing me, I was no longer his patient and they revoked my assistance and expected payment on the services rendered by the residents.  My only saving grace at this point, was that my husband was finally able to find a job and we only had a short wait until the health insurance was being activated.

Once the insurance became active, I went to a gastroenterologist, who was finally the first doctor to give me something to try and at a minimum make me more comfortable, prescribing Vicodin for the pain and also added in Bentyl believing it might be muscle spasms from IBS, but he also referred me to another bariatric surgeon. At this point. the constant pain was still there, as well as I was still having the episodes of severe pain, but now I had constant nausea, was vomiting more than my meals and I was having lots of trouble swallowing. This surgeon did quite a few of the tests over again to verify what the residents from the other hospital did, then preceded to add in a few others, but still..everything came back negative.  Baffled, he offered to do another exploratory (laproscopic this time) surgery to look around inside and see if he could find anything.  Desperate, I agreed and the surgery was scheduled for right after Christmas. ***As a funny side note to all this, during all this time, every time I would lay down in severe pain,  my cat would jump up on the bed, climb on top of me and use his front paws to push down and rub the area in a downward motion that hurt really bad, like he knew exactly what was causing the problems and wanted to help.***  The surgery went perfectly and he explained afterward, that he found and repaired the largest para-esophageal hernia he had ever seen. He could not explain why this never showed up on any of the tests, but my entire stomach and part of my intestine had worked their way up, pushed my esophagus to the side and lodged next to my diaphragm. (***think my cat knew something us humans didn't?)  This was formed from a hiatal hernia, that was left undiagnosed and it was allowed to just keep getting bigger.

Unfortunately, even though the para-esophageal hernia was serious and was adding to some of the symptoms, it did not stop them all and I am still having problems. I'm not sure if this bariatric surgeon couldn't figure out what was going on, or was just too busy to try, but he passed me off to another doctor. So from February to April of 2012 I was passed off from one doctor to another, like a hot potato, as more tests come back negative and no one can solve the problem, but my symptoms are getting worse and the list of symptoms continues to keep getting longer.

Currently, I have an internal medicine doctor, a pain specialist, a gastroenterologist, and a surgeon that are all now working together on my case.  Unfortunately, my insurance company is fighting everything they want to do, including no longer covering office visits, most of my prescriptions, out-service tests, any urgent care visits and I am filing an appeal.  (Even the exploratory surgery that discovered the para-esophageal hernia, which required me to stay overnight in the hospital and that bill alone was $17,000, they only covered $3000, stating it was an unnecessary emergency procedure).  I filed for Social Security Disability in the end of April and still have heard nothing.  So, my doctors are doing what they can, with their priority being keeping me as comfortable as possible and watching the stuff that they are truly concerned over, while finding a solution is basically on the back burner, since their hands are tied because of the insurance company. If I were rich, this wouldn't be a problem, but I would have to win the lotto first, what chances do I have?

None of the doctors have given me a specific diagnosis, but they believe I have abdominal nerve and muscle damage which is causing the 24/7 pain, which there is no cure for.  They decided I am not a candidate for reversal of the gastric bypass, since they believe the surgery would cause even more damage to the nerves and muscles, especially since my body is not absorbing vitamins like its supposed to and they still don't know why that is.  Its been suggested that the episodic pain I have after eating is visceral pain, but they don't currently know what is causing it and no medication can stop it. The edema in my feet, ankles and calfs is getting worse and is now including my knees.  I can't stand for any length of time, walking is painful, stairs are out of the question,  and at times it hurts so bad, I can't walk at all, so I use my office chair that has wheels to roll myself around the house...fortunately we have wood floors.   In the process of trying to manage the pain, I've learned I am now allergic to medical tape too, so using the fentanyl patches didn't work, since they caused a rash and itched so bad. Methadone made me so tired, I could not stay awake, falling asleep sitting up anywhere. Currently I'm on a combination of Neurontin for the the nerve pain; Cymbalta for the muscle pain, as well as depression; morphine and Percocet.  It doesn't eliminate it all still, but he is getting closer, unfortunately with having to take all of these drugs, I'm often dizzy, my depth perception is impaired, I'm often tired and driving is out of the question. 

Here's my current list of symptoms, if you want to do a comparison:

Consistent (24/7) abdominal pain. Often worse at night.
Episode Pain—double-over, severe abdominal pain, usually after I eat
                         —happens about 2-3x a week.
Shoulder/back/arm pain---burning pain---left side—mostly at night.
Chest Pain---about 1 x a week.
Nausea is not constant anymore, but just happens now and then,
Vomiting occurs about 1x a week now.
Heartburn---1-3 times a week.
Bulge that occurs on the right side of my upper abdomen after vomiting or 
                       sneezing/coughing hard…I push it back in….maybe a muscle spasm?
Constipation and diarrhea—alternates consistent
Hiccups -on a daily basis, especially at beginning of meals.
Often feel full with just a few bites. 
Extreme amount of gas---that is causing pressure, which I think is some of the pain.
Edema----legs, ankles, & feet—some days up over knees—most days can barely walk
Low blood sugar ( I have a meter and test it) on average 2-3 days a week.
Muscle cramps—legs, feet, hands
My blood pressure has been running low
                     over the last couple of weeks 103/62, 101/57
Swallowing problems—mouth is really dry
Urgent need for the bathroom, but often can’t urinate
                  —sometimes have to really “push” to go.
Dizzy Spells—have fallen a couple of times.
Vision problems--Points when my vision in blurry/ double vision left eye.

Current list of medications:

Furosemide (Lasix) 40MG Tabs—1 every morning.
Chlordiazepoxide/Clidinium Caps (Librax)---1 to 2 capsules, 3-4 times a day, as needed for spasms.
Omeprazole (Prilosec) 40MG capsules---2 x a day
Ondansetron (Zofran) 8MG Tabs-when needed nausea
Multi-Vitamin (Over-the-counter)---1x a day
B-Complex (Over-the-counter)—1x a day
Vitamin D (Over-the-counter)—2000IU---1x a day.
Allegra (Over-the-counter)—1 every night at bedtime.
MS Contin (Morphine Sulfate ER) 30MG tablets –3 times a day
Oxycodone/Acetaminophen (Percocet) 10-325MG TB- 1 every 4hours as needed.
Gabapentin (Neurontin)---300MG 3 times a day.
Cymbalta----60MG—1 every night at bedtime

Well, not much else to say for now.  My pain specialist I see at the end of July and I'm not scheduled to see the Internal medicine doctor until September, but am supposed to call if anything gets worse.  The insurance company is doing nothing more than delaying my own doctors from helping me.  Nice huh  What the hell are we paying $700 a month for?

Sorry to have to do this update:
I apologize to all readers that would like to do comments.  Unfortunately, it was necessary to block comments because I have an immature and ignorant family member that has decided to use this site for fighting grounds between my immediate family and his/her own. They decided it was okay to name name's and bring up personal family issues rather than discuss them with us like an adult.  This site is intended strictly for individuals with severe abdominal pains and issues that are similar to my own and  that are looking for solutions that their doctors may have overlooked or hasn't considered. I won't allow the comments section on my blog to become their war grounds, as it is not what this site was intended for.    

In the future, if you would like to make a comment, please send your comments to my email:  ShariLynnGardner@gmail.com and I will post them all together under one heading, as long as they are regarding this topic.  So please email me and look for your comments there.  Thank you, I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What's most important?

Hi all.  I know, it's been a couple of weeks since I last updated, I've already been yelled at by a few people for not updating, so I will try to keep you all up to date a little more often.

Since the last time I posted, I have had a few appointments with my internal medicine doctor (She had basically been seeing me once a week---but is now waiting a month to check my blood levels again, so I don't go back until the 7th of June).  Pretty much same for the pain specialist, I was seeing him every other week, now its a month, and I'll see him again on the 11th of June.

The EGD on the 1st was pretty uneventful, except for my having a fever of 99.9 and they almost canceled it, but he decided to go ahead and do it anyways..  All it showed was a lot of inflammation, which as of yet, they still don't know what is causing it. The biopsy came back normal.  My IM doc, the Gastro Doc and the surgeon all sat down together and had a pow wow meeting about my case, but have definitely decided I am not a candidate to have the bariatric surgery reversed.  At this point, they believe all of the abdominal pain that I have is being caused by nerves and muscles which have been damaged from all of the other surgeries.  Unfortunately, this is not repairable and something I am most likely going to have to live with.

One additional thing has appeared, that they are not sure if its related or just got infected because of my immune system being so messed up, but I developed an abscess on the back of my thigh.  Its amazing that cutting yourself shaving can cause such a problem.  I (of course), thought I could take care of this myself, it was just a big zit, basically, right? Wrong?   I took a needle and opened it, blood and pus came out and I threw a band-aid on it. But within a week, this thing turned into this huge, over a half-dollar size sore, that hurt like hell, looked like a big blood blister and wouldn't go away.  She ended up having to put me on 2 different anti-biotics, cut it open, clean it out and I am stuck with it draining and putting on anti-biotic ointment for the next 2 weeks.  Think I might stop shaving back there, if there's hair there, oh well.  I won't let this happen again.  Ugh!

Right now the biggest concerns are still the edema, first and foremost.  I had a doppler done on my legs which showed  no clots, but because the edema is so severe, I am at a very high risk of developing one.

This picture is after they've been raised a while, they are even worse if I try walking for a while, they swell almost all the way up to my knees and I can barely walk.  Usually you can see the veins and some of bones in my feet, I can't wear any of my shoes, only my husband's slippers.  Even my toes are swollen :(  
She put me on 20mg of lasix and has now increased that to 40 mg.  They reduced my Neurontin medicine to only 2 times a day, instead of 3, because it can add to the edema, but it increases the pain in my abdomen. Currently, I am supposed to either be in a lying down position, such as in bed, with my feet elevated above my heart or if I have to be up and about, my feet and calves have to be in braces or wrapped to keep the swelling down.  Its painful and not much fun.  She is keeping an eye on my kidneys, since they are not functioning at a very high level, but they think its because of all of the medications, but its their 2nd highest concern.  Basically, because the pain in my abdomen is being managed with pain meds at this point, its been put on a back burner until they solve the edema problem.  They are also keeping a very close eye on all of my vitamin levels, since it appears my body is not retaining any of them, especially the most important vitamin D.  So, right now, between pain meds, nerve and muscle relaxers, and vitamins, I'm taking around 25 different pills a day. I still can't drive, since most of these medicines leave me sleepy, dizzy, or light headed. I can't focus or concentrate, which makes doing stuff like writing this blog or doing my MBA homework hard and I'm having to time it so that its done during the least amount of side effect times.  And let me explain, when your taking Percocet every 4 hours and morphine at night, along with Neurontin in the morning and at night, plus muscles relaxers ever 4-6 hours, and Cymbalta at night,  it doesn't leave many times during the day to not be fuzzy headed.

Oh, plus I started the battle with Social Security Disability.  Not sure if I'm going to qualify and get approved or not, but filled out all the paperwork (took 4 hours) and I know my one doctor filled out his portion already.  Cross your fingers for me, with only my husband working and me with no income, its been really, really tough.  We need this bad, especially if it turns out I'll never be able to work again.

Well, that's about it for now.  Once they figure out more I will let you know.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Same old, same old

Lets see...had another Doctor appointment yesterday.

The infected cut on the back of my thigh is a lot worse, so she prescribed an antibiotic ointment to put on it three times a day.  If it isn't better by next week, then she is going to refer me back to the surgeon, so he can cut it open and clean it out...not looking forward to that, so hopefully this works.  Just an FYI, you really need to be careful shaving your legs!

She changed the antibiotics again for the kidney infection and edema.  Since the Keflec was making me so sick and it appears not really working (she's using it to clear up my leg too), she switched me to Bactrum.  She checked my urine and is convinced the kidney infection is almost gone, although I am having a lot of trouble with just going to the bathroom.  It feels like I need to go really bad, but sometimes nothing happens...I just can't go.  Although she thinks some of this may be caused from the Lasix pills (diuretics).  Other problems still going on and not sure if related to the water pills, infection or what, but  I'm really thirsty and my mouth gets really dry, to the point, I'm still having trouble swallowing.  The infection on my tongue, which she says is not thrush, is still there, although it has let up a bit and has stopped bleeding, but its still there.
I can truly say, I had absolutely no idea how much water my body was holding.  Between the last appointment and this one, they weighed me in the office, and I actually lost 15 pounds that was all water.  Can you believe that?  No wonder my weight has been fluctuating so much over the last couple of months.  Even my calves look thinner than they ever have, so I'm guessing I've been retaining water for a while. I have to keep taking the water pills for a while, even though she isn't quite sure what caused the edema, it is finally starting to clear up, but its not all gone yet and the muscle cramps, charlie horses, or whatever you want to call them, that are occurring as the water goes away is really painful.  My feet still feel and look like they are bruised making it extremely painful to walk...not sure how long that will last.  With the water loss, I'm at risk of losing potassium, so I have to eat a banana every day and if needed, she will give me supplements for that too, when she checks my blood again next week. Plus I have to take 400IU of magnesium every day.

The blood results from last week, according to her looked pretty good, except for my Vitamin D.  Even though my previous family practice doctor had me take 50,000IU once a week for 8 weeks because it was registering at a 7 then (anything below 20 is a deficiency), it registered as a 0 this time, meaning I have none in my system. The doctors will have to figure out why my body is not storing it, but in the mean time, she is having me take 2000IU 3 times a day to see if it registers next week. Currently, I am risk for Ricketts, plus having a deficiency in Vitamin D causes all kinds of problems, such as depression, muscle cramps, dental problems,  nausea, etc. which are all symptoms I have now.  Not sure how this is all related....so, as usual, more questions, no answers.

Anyways, Next week will be busy.  I see the pain specialist again on Monday, on Tuesday my gastroenterologist is doing an EGD scope on me,  and then on Thursday I see the family practice/internal medicine doctor again.  Guess we go from there. I'll update again soon.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Changes and tests

Hi everyone,
This is the first chance I've had this week that I've been able to stay awake long enough to even write up a post. Between both doctor appointments from Monday and Tuesday, they switched all my medications around and I've been so sick that all I'm doing is sleeping.

The first appointment on Monday was with the pain specialist.  Since the Percocet was not really working and wasn't lasting long enough, he changed me over to a long-acting pain medication.  I have to admit, this scared me a bit, since he prescribed methadone. When he first mentioned this, I freaked a bit, since all I've ever heard about is the stuff junkies use on the streets.  In actuality, this is not the same thing at all.  In some cases, doctors actually use this same drug to help people that are addicted to heroin, morphine or other drugs, since it stops the euphoric affects, but still stops the pain.  For patients like me, it stops the pain and lasts for a long time, stopping the need to take pain pills every 4 hours and now I'll be able to go every 12.  Plus, once I get used to it,  it  will stop the "fuzzy brain" feeling that I hate.  With still being in school, I have to be able to think, which the other pills were making it really difficult for me to do, but right now it makes me really, really tired, along with the other stuff they changed, I can hardly keep my eyes open.  He didn't change the Neurontin, so still taking that 3 times a day, plus he added Cymbalta, which I take every night before I go to bed.  Cymbalta is a anti-depressant, but it also helps to reduce muscle pain, which this doctor thinks is part of the problem.   He thinks I have chronic neuropathic pain, along with some muscle damage from all of the abdominal surgeries I've had.  The Neurontin stops the nerve pain, while the Cymbalta stops the muscle pain. He wants to try the combination of these 3 for a month or so and then go from there, depending on what is working and what isn't. Time will tell.  His priority is stopping the pain until the other doctors can figure out what is causing it all and fix it, then hopefully I can stop taking all of this stuff.

On Tuesday, I had my first appointment with my new family practice doctor.  She is actually a Internal Medicine doctor and my gastro specialist referred me to her.  Her specialty is figuring out complex cases and solving puzzles, kind of like Dr. House on the television show, LOL.  She seems nice, but has a tough demeanor, I think she's Russian or maybe Ukrainian, definitely makes decisions quickly, tells you what to do, and my daughter and I kept waiting for the whip to come out, so she could crack it, since I had not been following doctor's orders over the years.  She wasn't too happy that I haven't had a pap in over 4 years, I skipped my last mammogram, so its been 8 years on that, plus I have a cut on the back of my right thigh that I had been trying to clear up on my own, but is now infected.  With all my stomach problems, I didn't think these were important...to her that was wrong, so those will be getting taken care of soon.

First thing she did was draw blood, testing for vitamin deficiencies, and she wants to check my kidneys. She prescribed a really strong anti-biotic (Keflec 500MG, 4x a day)  that I have to take for 2 weeks and these are making me so sick, I feel like I have the flu and I'm running a fever. Since the abdominal pain issues are under control for right now, she wants to clear up the infections and the edema first, then she'll concentrate on whats causing the other problems.   The edema in my feet, ankles and lower legs was really bad, so I went Thursday morning for a venous ultrasound to check for clots. That came back negative, so her office called in a prescription for a diuretic (water pill) to start clearing up the retained water. Never thought it was possible to go to the bathroom this much,  but its amazing that with only taking one pill, most of the swelling went down, but now they feel like they a bruised and broken, I can hardly put any weight at all on my left foot...its hurts really bad. I go back to see her again on Tuesday and then she'll decide the next step, since she should have all the results back from the blood tests.  In terms of my stomach, she said, if necessary they can actually do a reversal of my gastric-bypass.  Her guess right now is that I have mal-absorption, causing the vitamin deficiencies, and low blood sugar, there is more going on with my kidneys than just a simple infection...so, one step at a time.

I'll update again when I know more, for now, I'm going back to bed :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

FRUSTRATION...I needed to vent.

Just a short update this time... feeling very frustrated and needed to vent a little.

 I have two doctor appointments this week, Monday and Tuesday, so hopefully one will get somewhere.  The edema is really bad right now...my feet and ankles, plus half way up to my knees looks like it belongs on a elephant instead of me.  I can barely walk.  Plus my eyelids are swollen too...certainly doesn't make me feel like leaving the house...which, since I can't really walk, I'm not doing anyways.

As of Tuesday, I will have a new family practice doctor.  The last one, as it turned out, left little to be desired.  I actually received a threatening letter?  WTH, is that how doctor's practice now...what happened to the Hippocratic oath?  Over the last few weeks, I have left voice-mails and actual messages with her office staff and never received a return phone call.  Tried to set up appointments, only to be told they had no openings, not even with the other doctors in the office, so if I really needed to be seen I should go to urgent care.  So, I sent her an email...which I guess was a sin.  The letter I received in return stated that if I needed to reach her, I should call, leave a message or set up an appointment...(I tried all three), but that if I sent another email, she would "discharge" me, as her patient.  Hmmm...well....I don't respond well to threats...so I'm "discharging" myself.

Anyways, I saw the gastro specialist last Thursday.  He recommended this new doctor I am going to on Tuesday (I see the pain specialist on Monday).  The Hida Scan was normal..no sphincter of oddi dysfunction, which is a good thing.  But, he wants to take a look to see if anything has been missed by the other doctors, so I am scheduled for another EGD scope on May 1st.   I am supposed to go get blood drawn on Thursday, so they can see if the kidney infection is gone...which, as of right now, since I am still running a fever and still have burning and flank pain, I know its not, plus the thrush is back.  My immune system is shot to hell. I am just so tired of being sick...someone has got to figure this out.

Will update again later in the week...hopefully with better news.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A lot can happen in just a few days...

Mini Update---A lot can happen in just a few days.

Since I posted on Wednesday, the swelling in my feet and ankles is getting much worse (I don't think I've mentioned this in previous posts, not sure why, guess I didn't think it was really important until now).  This has been happening since I had the CT scan. When I saw the surgeon for the CT Scan results, he said its because I'm not getting enough protein, since I can barely keep food down. Its the protein that holds salt and water in the blood vessels and when it gets too low, edema occurs.  So basically, this means I have malnutrition. I have to keep my feet elevated above my heart, which means laying down a lot, which is hard for me. On Friday this swelling was so bad, my feet actually hurt and it was hard to walk. Plus, I started to have a lot of pain and burning, whenever I went to the bathroom, with pain on my right side and in my lower back.  I tried to push both off, figuring I could wait until I saw my gastro specialist on Thursday.  But, by Monday morning, I didn't think I could wait, dealing with the burning, because it was getting really bad and the swelling (edema) is constant now.  As usual lately, haven't been able to reach my family practice doctor (so much for thinking this one cared...guess she's another one that thinks this is all in my head), so I decided to go to urgent care, after the hida scan, and its time to find another doctor (I'll start working on this today).

So anyways, I had the Hida Scan yesterday (Monday) morning.  I truly hope I don't have to do another one of those anytime soon, let me tell ya, it was not fun.  Since narcotic medications affect the outcome of the test, I was told I had to be off all pain medication for 24 hours before it.  So, needless to say, this completely ruined my Easter Sunday, as once the pain medications wore off, I spent the entire day and night (didn't even manage a half hour of sleep---zip, zero, none) in pain, pain, pain. The test itself wasn't painful, although the first injection of the CCK enzyme caused a lot of nausea (usually this is used to cause the gallbladder to contract, but for me they were looking at the sphincter of oddi), after this they injected a radioactive isotope, but that didn't cause any reaction. This appointment took about 2 hours all together (registration, getting the IV and injections and then the scan--which believe it or not, I slept through.  I don't think he gave me any pain medication, guess I was just that tired from not sleeping and relieved to be getting it over with).  I'll get the results on Thursday when I see the gastro specialist.

I went urgent care afterwards and that doctor was really nice.  I wish she had her own office, but she only works there :(   During this appointment I had to pee in a cup (big surprise), she pressed on my abdomen and back, etc. and she looked at my feet and ankles too. I had a fever, even though I didn't know it, and the results showed bacteria & blood in my urine.  She explained that it was a good thing I didn't wait until Thursday, since what once started as another bladder infection (I had one in November) was now a kidney infection. A kidney infection can be really serious if it is let go for too long, since the infection can enter the blood stream and it risks serious damage to the kidneys.  So she put me on anti-biotics for the next 14 days, plus she gave me this great numbing medicine, so I can go to the bathroom without the burning...although, my pee is orange now, LOL.  As for my feet and ankles, she gave me a prescription for these special socks to wear and she insists I need to tell the gastro specialist to check my blood work. The malnutrition is wreaking havoc with my immune system and I keep getting sick:  the edema, bladder and kidney infections, the thrush infection, colds and flu, and I'm at risk for worse.

Anyways, I'll update again after I talk to him on Thursday and see what he decides to do next.

Obviously, this isn't in my head, someone needs to figure out what is wrong with me before I get too sick.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction?

Hi everyone, its been a rough week and this weekend is going to be tougher, I'm afraid...for me anyways (hopefully those of you that celebrate Easter, have a nice holiday).  Since I posted last, I was still waiting for my CT scan results.

This past Monday I had my first visit with the surgeon my gastroenterology specialist is working with. He went over the scan and even pulled it up on his computer so my husband and I could see it.  As usual, it was normal. It did show some loops of redundant distended colon, but he doesn't believe that is causing my pain. The x-ray tech noted a small benign lesion on my liver, but this doctor believes its actually a bruise that hasn't healed yet from my last surgery, so no worries there either.

So, onto more tests.  On Monday, April 9th, I am scheduled for a Hida Scan. He thinks I may have a problem called a Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction. I couldn't find a lot of information regarding this online, since its pretty rare, but I do know there are clinical trials for bariatric patients that have had their gall bladders removed. For some reason, it seems this happens to a lot of people that have their gall bladders removed with or without bariatric surgery. According to the surgeon, and I may be a little off on understanding this, but this little muscle controls the flow of bile between the duodenum and the intestines.  It causes a form of spasms within the biliary tree which equal the majority of my symptoms. The problem will be, if this turns out positive, they have no way of getting to it to repair it, since I had gastric bypass.  Normally a patient with this problem can have it fixed with a scope, but the scope won't reach where they need to go on me anymore. Guess we'll have to wait and see. I will get these results when I go back to the gastro specialist on the 18th.  He also had me double the amount of Prilosec I'm taking, since he believes I may still have an ulcer, but in the lower portion of my stomach that doesn't receive food anymore.  They have no way of viewing this part of the stomach any longer because of my bypass surgery, so its guess work. My biggest fear right now is Sunday though, since in order to have the test, I have to be off all narcotic pain medications for 24 hours.  This is not going to be fun, since lately, pain has been my life.

Now, another update, although I was quite against seeing a pain specialist, I did yesterday.  I had the old opinion that when doctors suggested this, that they were treating me as though the pain was all in my head---now granted, I have had doctor's say that outright, but that isn't the case now. Seeing the pain specialist actually wasn't at all what I thought.  This doctor is actually going to work with my gastro specialist and he is even going over all of my past medical records to assist in figuring out what is wrong with me.  In the mean time, his job is to manage pain.  Up until now, the doctors that have prescribed pain medication have only tried one...a version of Vicodin and no one has tried anything else. He changed my medications yesterday and although this will take some adjustments, he is going to try to give me a life free of pain, which I haven't seen in almost 3 years. He believes I have chronic neuropathic pain. My understanding is, this is when the nerves become over sensitive or damaged and it signals to the brain pain, even when there isn't a reason for it. I've had so many abdominal surgeries, its possible this is happening. So now, in addition to pain medication (which he switched to a different kind and will probably switch again) he also added a nerve block medication. I believe I will figure out if this is helping over the next few days as it gets into my system.  Although he didn't prescribe it yet, he is also considering adding a anti-depressant. I'm not depressed or at least I don't think I am, but anxiety and depression can lead to abdominal pain and these medications also help to calm the nerves down when they are hyperactive. Anyways, we'll see what happens once he figures out what my body needs to be pain free.

Hope all have a great holiday, if you celebrate it, otherwise a nice weekend. And, I will update again, once I know more :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Reaction to CT Scan?

Hi all,  the last few days have not been fun (and to be honest, this is kind of gross), but figured I should share, since I have been sharing everything and it may help someone out there reading this.

As I posted the other day, I had a CT Scan with contrast dye of my abdomen and chest this past Friday (3-23-12).  As with previous scans with the lovely contrast material, that tastes so God awful, I came home feeling like I had the flu.  Basically the symptoms for me were being extremely tired, nauseated and a slight headache.  As per usual, I took a nap.  Unfortunately, unlike the previous times where I felt better when I woke up, this time I was not so lucky.  I woke up with heartburn.  Now, I've written about having heartburn before, but I can tell you, this was the absolute worst I have ever had.....the burning was constant and it was radiating all the way up into my throat.  I took Tums and Maalox, but nothing helped, plus remember I'm still taking a double dose of Prilosec every morning (40MG).  This severe heartburn kept me awake the entire night on Friday, and continued non-stop all through the weekend, until it finally subsided some on Sunday morning and left me with a side-effect, no one has seemed to have heard of before (why am I shocked?)  Anyways, all day Sunday my tongue felt as if it had been bitten or run over with a grater.  I tried to ignore it, used Chloraseptic Sore Throat spray to numb it, but it continued to get worse.  I looked at it in the mirror and was surprised to find it covered in red sores and a white, thick substance, which when I brushed my teeth and tried to scape it off, left me almost is tears and with a mouthful of blood.  I went to the doctor on Monday morning and they said it was thrush and now I'm taking Nystatin to clear it up. The family practice doctor I saw (not mine, but urgent care, since her office couldn't fit me into her schedule), was guessing and said he thought I had a reaction to the barium liquid they made be drink or to the dye (not sure if this is just hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction), and this caused the heartburn, which in turn, basically burned the inside of my mouth.   I see my gastro doctor on the 2nd and the pain med specialist on the 3rd, but in the mean time, I'm stuck with this....although they know what's going on.  Still waiting for the results of the CT scan.  It's hard to believe having a CT Scan could cause so much trouble, or just how much damage that acid can do....wonder what it did to my throat and my stomach lining?  Scary thoughts.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

More tests?

Saw the gastro-specialist yesterday afternoon....more tests, here I come :)  We'll see where this leads now.  He scheduled me for a CT Scan with contrast of my abdomen and my chest for tomorrow morning (3-23).  He also called a consult while I was at his office, so I will now be seen by three doctors--as gastroenterology specialist, a general surgeon, and a pain management specialist.  I meet with the general surgeon on 4-2 to discuss the results of tomorrow's CT scan.   Both doctors are suspecting I may have a tear, either in the mesh from my para-esophageal hernia repair, under the mesh within the muscle, or there may be a tear in the abdominal wall.  All three have the symptoms that I am experiencing, so we'll see what this test shows, if anything.  In the mean time, they also want me to see a pain specialist, since the current pain medications are not cutting it and they explained there are many other options available.  Not sure when I'll get in there, but at this point, any kind of movement towards a solution is better than just being passed around from uncaring doctor to the next uncaring doctor, right?  I'll post again soon.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Another NEW doctor

For those of you not wanting to read the back posts, here's a recap:  I had bariatric surgery (roux-in-y)  in July 2008--starting at almost 300lbs.  By Spring 2009, down to 180lbs., but problems started:  had kidney stone April 2009, Gall Bladder removed and a incisional hernia repaired July 2009, exploratory surgery--found adhesions in October 2009. Lost my job and health insurance-Nov. '09.  Down to 165lbs.--Pain and problems got so bad I called my bariatric surgeon for help, even without insurance in May 2011.  Started testing, all came back normal, switched doctors, finally exploratory surgery in December 2011 discovered a very large para-esophageal hernia which was repaired. Felt great for about 2 weeks, vomited and all symptoms returned worse than ever...now down to 140lbs.  Losing this weight was truly not worth what I've gone through...

Since last time I posted, I had the chest x-rays, the aortic duplex, and the gastric emptying study and as per usual, all came back normal.  I'm still having a hard time keeping food down, or if I do the pain is almost unbearable..the last doctor increased the dosage on my pain medication, but it still just takes the edge off, it doesn't eliminate it.  The pain is still there 24 hours a day and is so bad now, its waking me up in the middle of the night, the minute the pain pills wear off.  I'm afraid to eat and something as simple as an ensure shake or yogurt isn't even staying down some of the time now.  I've lost so much weight, I am now down to a size four....I can't remember ever being in a size four...maybe when I was 10?  I absolutely hate seeing pictures of myself, since I'm basically turning into skin and bones and I think I'm beginning to look anorexic. My family practice doctor, has now referred me to a gastroenterology specialist, who I see tomorrow (March 21).  Yes, this is getting old...I feel like the "hot potato" that no one wants to hold and I just keep getting pushed from one doctor to the next. Every doctor does a couple of tests, then decides they either don't have time (or maybe just are not willing to invest the time) or whatever is going on is beyond their level of education needed.  Over the years the family practice doctors and gastro specialists have automatically referred me to the bariatric specialists, but then the bariatric specialist keep saying this isn't a bariatric issue.....where does this leave me?   It is unbelievably frustrating to me and I am truly losing all my faith in the medical system in which doctors are supposed to care about their patients. It really feels like they just don't care and I just can't comprehend this. We'll see what this specialist says tomorrow, then who knows, maybe I will end up having to find a doctor out of state or something...I'm running out of options.

Monday, February 20, 2012

1 step forward, 2 back

I feel like I'm back to square one, but at least my doctor is doing something now....and no, i don't mean the surgeon who fixed the para-esophageal hernia. I went and saw my family practice doctor this past Friday.

I had the upper g.i. on Monday, the 13th, per the surgeon and it came back normal (surprise, surprise--yes, I'm being sarcastic).  It amazes me that since this began, over 2+ years, every test has come back normal.  The doctors haven't seen a thing wrong, but then the surgeon gets in there and finds a big problem.  Am I surprised that this test came back normal too....not at all.  When the surgeon tried to push me off onto a pain clinic last week (rather than try to figure out what is actually wrong), I decided it was time to try a new tactic.  So I called my family doctor and although she couldn't explain why every test keeps coming back normal, she is doing something.  She refilled all of my prescriptions, scheduled me for an chest x-ray, an aortic duplex, and a gastric emptying time scan.  These will be over the next couple of weeks.  Although the thought is scary, she said it is possible I have something completely different going on that no one is seeing, since they haven't looked.  Its a possibility I could have mesenteric ischemia, or even gastroparesis. Neither is a good thing, but all of my symptoms fit, and with family history to consider, plus all of the past abdominal surgeries, she wants to rule these out.

I'll keep you posted in this never ending saga.
I just want my life back.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Reoccurring?? I hope not.

Hi again.  Well, ended up seeing the doctor early...Friday (Feb. 3rd), instead of the appointment that I was supposed to have today.  I learned a few things between the appointment and what I could find researching.  The bulge that popped out when I vomited is in the exact location of the sutures where the doctor closed up the hernia.  Although the doctor didn't really want to admit it, its a possibility I broke the stitches and mesh, and my stomach has returned to my diaphragm.  I'm scheduled for another Upper GI on the 13th and they'll know for sure, then he'll decide what they are going to do next.  The surgery for a para-esophageal hernia has a 35% failure rate and it appears it might have failed and they'll have to figure out how to get it to stay fixed.  The hardest part is they could not do a Nissen Fundoplication, because of my previous gastric bypass.  With this procedure they normally take a portion of the stomach and wrap it around the esophagus, therefore making the stomach stay in place and unable to move upward, like it did into my diaphragm.  Although I truly don't want to go through the surgery again, having it be a re-occurrence is better than it being something else, since then it means I am back to square one and they didn't fix it at all.   Not sure where I stand now, except in a lot of pain and back to no driving...even walking or standing for more than 10-15 minutes starts the pain up...fun, fun.  Anyways, will keep you all updated.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More worries

Well, let's see, since I posted last:  I had the surgery on the 28th of December and learned I had a para-esophageal hernia that none of the doctors had even guessed was there. They pulled my stomach and intestines back down to where they are supposed to be out of my diaphragm, and he used stitches and mesh to close up the huge hole that allowed it to go up there to begin with. Recovery was painful, especially since he had to straighten my esophagus back out where it had been pushed to the side by my stomach.  I saw the doctor for a follow up at 2 weeks after the surgery and was having a lot of problems swallowing.  Every time I would eat, it felt like the food was getting "stuck" half way down and actually made me feel like I couldn't breathe and was choking. This I learned was swelling and irritation of my esophagus, so he put me on a soft food diet (which truly sucks), but I was told would get better with time. I have followed every rule the doctor gave me:  soft-food diet, no lifting anything over 10 pounds, this even includes my hefty 20 pound cats.  The swallowing issue did get better, but I'm still not really sure why last Thursday (the 26th of January, 4+ weeks after surgery), I got sick for no reason at all eating lunch.  No nausea, no stuck feeling, it just came back up (fortunately I was at home, otherwise this could have been really embarrassing had I been in a restaurant) and then everything in my stomach came back up and I vomited really hard...this unfortunately caused some kind of problem.  The same spot as before bulged out and hurt really bad, forcing me to push on it until it went back in...I still don't know what this is. My old doctor thought this was an abdominal hernia, but my current doctor ruled that out during surgery.  Needless to say, I am back to all the same problems:  nausea and constant pain..only this time, that spot where it bulged feels like someone has a knife stuck in there and is sawing away. Its actually throbbing just like a cut on your finger does...man oh man does it hurt.  I don't know if I broke some of the stitches or if the whole repair failed and I'm back to square one or what it is. I'm scared I'll have to go through the whole surgery again.  I see the doctor again on the 7th of February and am stuck dealing with this until then, unless it gets really, really bad, then I am supposed to go to the emergency room, since my doctor won't be in his office until after Friday.  This is so frustrating. for a short time there, I had no problems at all and actually felt better than I did before my original gastric bypass surgery.  So, for now at least, I am back to where I was before....pain and more pain. I'll keep you all updated.  Take care and say some prayers for me please.